
在我们的生活中,无论是每天的通勤途中,还是外出散步或慢跑,越来越多的 消费者都在通过无线耳塞享受他们喜爱的音乐或聆听最新的播客。 六年前,第 一款真无线耳塞面市,紧凑忙碌的生活方式正不断驱动着人们对完全无线的自 由、便携性和更长续航提出更高的要求,也让真无线耳塞品类得到了快速发展。

自从率先推出Qualcomm TrueWireless™ Stereo技术以来,我们在这一领域持 续耕耘,帮助客户在真无线耳塞品类中不断实现新的突破。如今,享受到真无 线自由的消费者正提出更高的期待,包括全天佩戴、舒适性、无缝的用户体验, 以及可靠的连接 。

  • earbuds


  • earbuds with a mobile device


  • one earbud playing sound


在这份白皮书中,我们阐述了制造商在真无线耳塞这一领域面临的挑战,以及我们的Qualcomm TrueWireless™ Mirroring技术如何为下一代真无线耳机提供高质量的用户体验。

Qualcomm TrueWireless 和Qualcomm TrueWireless Mirroring是Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.和/或其子公司的产品。


©2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its affiliated companies.

References to "Qualcomm" may mean Qualcomm Incorporated, or subsidiaries or business units within the Qualcomm corporate structure, as applicable.

Qualcomm Incorporated includes Qualcomm's licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of its patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of Qualcomm's engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of its products and services businesses. Qualcomm products referenced on this page are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

Materials that are as of a specific date, including but not limited to press releases, presentations, blog posts and webcasts, may have been superseded by subsequent events or disclosures.

Nothing in these materials is an offer to sell any of the components or devices referenced herein.